Education in the field of laser treatments
Fotona Laser Workshop
Fotona is a Slovenian company that has been focusing on the development of laser systems since 1964 and is therefore one of the pioneers of laser technology in the world. Their laser systems are the result of knowledge of more than 45 years of experience in the fields of medicine, industry, optical communications and defense. Fotona is recognized worldwide as a leader in the innovation, development and production of laser systems.
Due to her many years of experience and extensive knowledge in working with lasers, dr. Lidija Volovec has been the leader of Fotona workshops since 2006. The workshops are part of the LAHA Academy (Laser And Health Academy) and are held at our clinic approximately every month. So far, as many as 131 workshops have been held.
Workshop participants are doctors and dentists from all over the world (all European countries, Russia, Israel, Thailand, Egypt, Vietnam, Cote d'Ivore, Equador, India, etc.). The workshops are very practical and interactive and show dr. Lidija Volovec demonstrate her work with lasers on patients with various clinical problems.

International education certainly contributes to the professionalism and continuous improvement of the services we provide at our clinic. In addition, it establishes the reputation of Slovenian aesthetic medicine worldwide. Opinions and impressions of Fotona's staff:
“Providing quality training in the use of lasers in aesthetics and surgery is of the utmost importance for Fotona and the LAHA Academy. Dr. Lidija Volovec from Medicina Volovec with her team provides exactly what we need; education at the highest level, not only in Slovenia, but throughout Europe. In addition to the professional approach, the hospitality and homey feeling shared with the visitors are very important factors as they reflect upon the satisfaction of our participants, who are happy to return and build their laser skills further. The location and the training program in Medicina Volovec itself are simply inspiring, which greatly contributes to the positive impressions that the participants leave with. The collaboration with dr. Lidija Volovec and her team is of great pleasure for us and at the same time it is extremely helpful in creating the brand and image of Fotona.”

Why choose us
Individual and in-depth approach. State of the art technology and treatments. Friendly staff with extensive experience. The desire for excellence and satisfied patients.
What we want to achieve
To emphasize your natural beauty and soothe the signs of years past on your face and by doing so, allowing you to age more beautifully and with more confidence.
News and benefits
Special benefits for our patients. Tailored offers and treatments for every season of the year. Regular training workshops, education of our staff at home and abroad.