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About acne

Acne are the most common skin condition which causes most problems to teenagers. They can be different in size and therefore differently disturbing; from small black spots to big nodules or even cysts. They form when the ducts of sebaceous cysts become blocked due to external, hormonal and genetic factors. The cysts then began to swell and ultimately break which causes an inflammation in the skin. The bacteria that feed on the sebum support the inflammation.

Common presence of acne represent a chronic and unpleasant disease which can greatly impact one’s self-image. Topical creams and medicaments are the basic treatment options. Since medicaments can not be taken permanently it is beneficial to treat acne with additional methods. In our clinic we use a combination of two techniques.

About the procedure

The skin is thoroughly cleaned. A special peeling is applied with aim of removing the superficial layer of epidermis consequently opening the skin pores and sebaceous ducts. The laser beam is pointed in the affected area to thermally destruct the bacterial cells In order to stop the inflammation.

The procedure is safe, unpainful and lasts approximately 15 minutes. To achieve maximum results it is recommended to repeat the treatment 4-5 times in one-week intervals. In that time we suggest using anti-acne cosmetical products and cleaning your face regularly.

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Scars from acne

But what can be done when my acne are gone and scars remain on the skin? Laser, microneedling and other treatments can reduce the effects of acne scars on the skin.

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Looking for advice?

Do you want your face to catch everyone’s eye again? Set up an appointment at our clinic and let our experts advise you on what is the best combination of aesthetic procedures for you.

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Phone: +386 (0) 41 669 140

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Individual and in-depth approach. State of the art technology and treatments. Friendly staff with extensive experience. The desire for excellence and satisfied patients.

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What we want to achieve

To emphasize your natural beauty and soothe the signs of years past on your face and by doing so, allowing you to age more beautifully and with more confidence.

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Special benefits for our patients. Tailored offers and treatments for every season of the year. Regular training workshops, education of our staff at home and abroad.

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