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Introducing our new column! Useful tips for health from head to toe. Follow us and you will find out what are the simple measures you can take to prevent the most common diseases.

The definition of health is very complex and it includes physical and mental health, well-being, normal self-image and even a healthy environment. Health in adulthood is not self-evident, it requires effort and hard work.

It happens many times that people set goals that are too demanding therefore they stop following them. The recipe is not to exaggerate and to be persistent. That's why you should think about the above tips ;). 


Did you know that learning a foreign language in adulthood triggers brain connections that have a beneficial effect on the health of brain cells? Studies have shown that learning a foreign language reduces the age-related deterioration of brain cells. A good reason to enroll in a foreign language course or to do it yourself.


Every day, regardless of the weather or season, apply on the face powder, cream or primer with a SPF 30. In 20 years, your skin will be immensely thankful, and your friends will be jelaous!


Most people nowadays suffer from back pain. We sit too long in front of the computer, we type on mobile phones, lift loads incorrectly and we do not do enough exercise. Every time your phone rings, think about whether you're posture is correct or not. In this way, you will consciously begin to analyze your posture.

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